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Browsing Papers by Author "Dr. Mohamed Masoud, Elferjani"

Browsing Papers by Author "Dr. Mohamed Masoud, Elferjani"

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  • Dr. Fatima, Alsedawi; Dr. Mohamed Masoud, Elferjani; Dr. Salema, Alzhawi; Dr. Fadwa Abdalhamid, Aldeghaily (Benghazi University, 2022-01-24)
    This research aims to study the causes of neonatal admissions and deaths among newborns at neonate department in Benghazi Children Hospital. A cross sectional retrospective study was conducted during 2019. Data included; ...
  • Dr. Fatima, Alsedawi; Dr. Mohamed Masoud, Elferjani; Dr. Najat, Alrogig; Dr. Abdalhamed, Mohamed Alshiki (Benghazi University, 2023-03-21)
    Down syndrome (DS) (trisomy 21) is the most frequent chromosomal cause of mental retardation, with a frequency rate of about 1 in 700 births. The prevalence of epilepsy in subjects with DS is reported to range from 1% to ...

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