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A Comparative Study on Morphology Between English and Arabic Language

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dc.contributor.author Hanan, Nagi Omar Elshatshat
dc.contributor.author Shebli, Younus Idham
dc.contributor.author Rabaa i, Said Mohamed Aljangaw
dc.contributor.author Heba, Fathi Younis Massa’d
dc.contributor.author Samah, Yaslam Saleh Baagbah
dc.date.accessioned 2024-07-29T08:26:50Z
dc.date.available 2024-07-29T08:26:50Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.uob.edu.ly/handle/123456789/2020
dc.description.abstract The point of this investigation is to portray the Arabic and English morphological frameworks so as to recognize the similitudes and contrasts between them. There are a few different ways of framing words in English and Arabic, yet the most widely recognized ways are deduction, affectation and exacerbating. This part is an endeavor to talk about the derivational frameworks of English and Arabic similarly. The investigation and depiction of the components of morphology: affectation, induction and exacerbating. The two portrayals will cover the structure, the importance and the circulation of morphemes. The circulation of morphemes is the aggregate of the considerable number of settings in which they can happen. A full comprehension of any morpheme includes understanding its dissemination just as its significance. The different sorts of limitations on the blends of morphemes, the request in which morphemes can be masterminded, sets of morphemes which can never happen together in a similar word, classes of morphemes required to happen in specific conditions will be given. Complex examples of choice of allomorphs will be given. The kind of importance inferred without any morpheme of a given request will be brought up. All allomorphs will be recorded and runs for the right choice will be given. General morphophonemic proclamations which apply all around in the framework will be made. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Benghazi University en_US
dc.subject Morphology en_US
dc.subject English en_US
dc.subject Arabic en_US
dc.subject Language en_US
dc.title A Comparative Study on Morphology Between English and Arabic Language en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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