A simple cloud point extraction (CPE) method has been proposed for the separation &
preconcentration for determination of Cr3+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Fe3+ and Mn2+ ions by complexation
with ammonium pyrrollidine dithiocarbamate (APDC) in the presence of Glycerin and
PO/EO-block polymer. The phase separation occurred when micellar solution was heated at
60◦C. A complete separation of the metal ions with and without addition of chelating agent
could be achieved at PH= 3-10 the efficiency of separation is 85-100%. Glycerin showed 75-
100% separation for Cr3+, Cu2
and Mn2+ while PO/EO-block polymer showed 60-99% for
Cd2+and Fe3+. Other factors also tested include surfactant and metal ions concentration,
temperature, time and foreign ions. One gram of surfactant is an enough amount for
separation of 20 ppm of each metal ion solution. The analysis of metal ions were carried out
using flame atomic absorption spectrometer with deuterium lamp background correction and
calibration curve method.