This paper the examines belief of the Jews in God Almighty to clarify their lost belief. The
paper is divided into three sections: The first topic: It revolves around the reality of ALLAH
among the Jews, Where we try to clarify the concept of divinity among the Jews, and the
development of this idea they have according to their perception that was found in the Old
Testament to them, which is the books that they believe are revealed by ALLAH Almighty.
In the second topic, the discussion was about the names of ALLAH Almighty according to
their perception and imagination. The third topic is about how the Jews described ALLAH
Almighty through their imaginations and perceptions, and it became clear that all this
deviation and delusion in the belief of ALLAH Almighty for them is due to the fact that the
Jews neglected the true source of belief, which is the revelation of heaven, and followed other
sources, as they were not able in the periods of their history to settle To worship ALLAH
Almighty, so they worshiped the manifestations of nature and idols.