DSpace Repository

Browsing volume 51, April 2021 by Subject "concentration."

Browsing volume 51, April 2021 by Subject "concentration."

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  • عبدالسلام عبدالقادر اكريم, د. كمال; عبدالقادر امقدع عبدالقادر, د. سعاد; عبدالقادر امقدع عبدالقادر, أ. ايمان (University of Benghazi / Faculty of Education Almarj, 2021-04)
    A pot experiment was conducted to study genotypes variation for P Uptake and utilization efficiency in four barley genotypes (Tramilo, Rahan, B12-3 and M97( to P applied at adequate and deficient levels (0 and 100 ppm P ...

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