Many studies have reported that the Ottoman State surrendered western Tripoli state to the
Italian government and abandoned it. these studies didi not distinguish between the position
of the Ottoman State at the time of the first sultans, which ended with the end of the rule of
Sultan Abdul Hamid II and the rule of the Unionists that came after the revolution of 1908,
which was led by the Union And the promotion Group (Jamaat AL EtehadWa Al Taraqi )
who approved the Statutory constitution derived from Western principles and values.
Accordingly, this study paid great attention to the comparison between the position of the
governors of WesterenTripoli, of the Italian penetration during the time of Sultan Abdul
Hamid II 1876 - 1908 AD, and the position of the governors of WesterenTripoli, from the
oppression and invasion of the Italian State after the revolution of the Union And the
promotion Group, (Jamaat AL EtehadWa Al Taraqi ) of the rule 1908 until 1912.